P1: Let's talk about privileges.
Question: What do you call a person who keeps talking when people are no longer interested?
Answer: Teacher :D
New Policy: if you have to borrow pencil, pen, whiteboard marker, paper or any required supplies- warning
Equations Formative Quiz Three Part One on Wednesday
These People Need To Take Equations Formative Quiz Two Part One
P1: Ciara, Hero
P4: None
P5: Chance
P6: Tamra, Jessica
Leaderboard with 100% for Quiz:
P1: Katie, Sophia, Taylor
P4: Kayla
P5: Hank
P6: Janessa, Jared, Hannah
Homework Check
CPM 623 #82
CPM 623 #83 to 85
CPM 623 #86
CPM 623 #86
CPM 623 #87 to 89
CPM 623 #90, 91, 92
Today's Activities
1. Mini Groups/Expressions & Equations in Google Classroom
2. Debrief DCA2a
3. Finish CPM 624 in eBook
4. If time, start 625 in eBook
2. Debrief DCA2a
3. Finish CPM 624 in eBook
4. If time, start 625 in eBook
5. Early Finishers: Expressions & Equations in Google Classroom Email Ms. Rickard if you complete any late Khan's that have already been graded. You will get full credit.
This Week's Homework
3-18-2019 Monday: CPM 623 #90, 91, 92
3-19-2019 Tuesday: CPM 624 #97, 98, 99
3-20-2019 Wednesday: CPM 624 #100, 101, 102
3-20-2019 Wednesday: CPM 624 #100, 101, 102
3-21-2019 Thursday: CPM 625 #104, 105, 106
3-22-2019 Friday: None