
Friday, May 31, 2019

5-31-2019 Survivor Challenge Two

Happy National Smile Day
Field Day Info
Field Day Signups

P4: Daniel B See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities
All Homework Grades have been updated. See Ms. Rickard if you have any questions or concerns.

P1: Molly & Aidan Both DCAs
P4: Flor, Maddie & Sidney Both DCAs
P5: Timothy, William, Chance Finish Proportions. Sierra: finish Cherie
P6: Colty finish Cherie

1. Kahoot

2. Survivor Challenge

3. Early finishers:
Red Block Escape
Construct It
Rubik's Cube
Cube Perspective
Tetra Squares
Space Logic

This Week's Homework
5-27-2019 Monday: None - Holiday
5-28-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Study for DCA 2c Proportions
5-29-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-30-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-31-2019 Friday: None

Thursday, May 30, 2019

5-30-2019 Preparing for the Next Challenge: Circles!

Stop & Think Sheet - Take a look and give feedback/comment

Yearbook Orders

Happy National Water A Flower Day
Field Day Info
Field Day Signups

Finish DCA
P4: Maddie, Sidney, Katelyn, Tyler
P5: Chance, Julian, Sierra, Axel, Mateo, Logan

P4: Daniel B See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities
1. Finish DCA 2c

2. Preparing for the Next Survivor Challenge!
SOLO or IN PAIRS: Triangle Puzzle: Circles
Directions - For shaded shapes find the AREA
For Outlined shapes find the PERIMETER/CIRCUMFERENCE

3. Early finishers:
Preparing for Survivor Challenge Two


Problem Solving:
Red Block Escape
Construct It
Rubik's Cube
Cube Perspective
Tetra Squares
Space Logic

This Week's Homework
5-27-2019 Monday: None - Holiday
5-28-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Study for DCA 2c Proportions
5-29-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-30-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-31-2019 Friday: None

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

5-29-2019 DCA 2c

Yearbook Orders

Happy National Paperclip Day

Field Day Info
Field Day Signups

P4: Daniel B See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities
1. DCA 2c Show your calculations on the paper test 
CALCULATOR OK. No cellphones.

2. Early finishers:
Preparing for Survivor Challenge Two
Shaded Areas

Problem Solving:
Red Block Escape
Construct It
Rubik's Cube
Cube Perspective
Tetra Squares
Space Logic

This Week's Homework
5-27-2019 Monday: None - Holiday
5-28-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Study for DCA 2c Proportions
5-29-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-30-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-31-2019 Friday: None

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

5-28-2019 Treasure Hunt!

P5: Christian: Finish SBAC

DCA 2c is tomorrow Wednesday. Last BIG TEST of the Year! Study your DCA 2b as a study sheet for the test.

Yearbook Orders

Happy National Hamburger Day

P4: Daniel B See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework
Study for DCA 2c Proportions. It will be graded on go into PowerSchool. Last Big Grade of the Year!

This Week's Homework
5-27-2019 Monday: None - Holiday
5-28-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Study for DCA 2c Proportions
5-29-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-30-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-31-2019 Friday: None

Friday, May 24, 2019

5-24-2019 Character Counts Assembly and Survivor Supplies Distribute

DCA 2c is moved to Wednesday because Ms. Rickard wants to have a little fun on Friday.  Sorry! More time to study!

Yearbook Orders

Happy National Brother's Day

P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard
P4: Daniel B See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities
1. Return First Survivor Challenge with SUPPLIES!

2. Immunity!

3. Curse of the Island

4. Survivor Scenarios!

Tribe Health Levels
Period One
Period Four
Period Five
Period Six

5. If time:
1. Circumference Activity

This Week's Homework
5-20-2019 Monday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-21-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-22-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Prepare for Tomorrow's Challenge/Quiz
5-23-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-24-2019 Friday: None

Thursday, May 23, 2019

5-23-2019 First Survivor Challenge!

Yearbook Orders

Happy National Lucky Penny Day

P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities

This Week's Homework
5-20-2019 Monday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-21-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-22-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Prepare for Tomorrow's Challenge/Quiz
5-23-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-24-2019 Friday: None

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

5-22-2019 Distance & Expressions

Squidward's Tiki Land

Happy National Vanilla Pudding Day

P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework
Prepare for Tomorrow's Challenge/Quiz on Coordinate Plane, Distance between Points and Expressions

This Week's Homework
5-20-2019 Monday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-21-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-22-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework/Prepare for Tomorrow's Challenge/Quiz
5-23-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-24-2019 Friday: None

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5-21-2019 Battleship

Happy National Strawberries and Cream Day

P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17

Tonight's Homework
Turn In Missing Homework

Today's Activities
Preparing for the first Survival Challenge!

1. Coordinate Battleship

2. Distance between points

Tribe Health Levels
Period One
Period Four
Period Five
Period Six

This Week's Homework
5-20-2019 Monday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-21-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-22-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-23-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-24-2019 Friday: None

Monday, May 20, 2019

5-20-2019 Welcome To Survival Island

New Seats.

Happy National Rescue Dog Day!

P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17

Advisory: Band aids?

Tonight's Homework
This Week's Homework
5-20-2019 Monday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-21-2019 Tuesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-22-2019 Wednesday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-23-2019 Thursday: Turn In Missing Homework
5-24-2019 Friday: None

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

5-14-2019 Through 5-17-2019 2-4-6 SBAC Testing Continues!

Tues: Happy National Dance Like A Chicken Day
Wed: Happy National Chocolate Chip Day! Yum!
Thursday: Happy National Sea Monkey Day
Friday: Happy National Endangered Species Day 

Room D3 is going to MBHS on Wednesday 22nd for a Unified Sports Soccer event. students who are interested in being good buddies, go to room D3 to get a permission slip.

Tuesday and Thursday SWITCHEROO Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch

Wednesday and Friday SWITCHEROO Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17
Advisory: Yearbook purchases so far.

Advisory: Band aids?

Tonight's Homework
Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC!
Turn in any late homework!

Today's Activities
SBAC Testing Continues!

This Week's Homework
5-13-2019 Monday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-14-2019 Tuesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-15-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-16-2019 Thursday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-17-2019 Friday: None

Monday, May 13, 2019

5-13-2019 Coordinate Plane & Chance Experiements

Happy National Apple Pie Day AND National Frog Jumping Day

Advisory Re-Focus Slides

Room D3 is going to MBHS on Wednesday 22nd for a Unified Sports Soccer event. students who are interested in being good buddies, go to room D3 to get a permission slip.

P1 Talon: See Ms. Rickard
P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard
P6: Emalyn & Ruth See Ms. Rickard

Tuesday and Thursday Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch

Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17

Advisory: Band aids?

Tonight's Homework
Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC!
Turn in any late homework!

Today's Activities
Desmos Chance Experiments - Total Class Activity

Desmos: The Awesome Coordinate Plane Activity

This Week's Homework
5-13-2019 Monday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-14-2019 Tuesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-15-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-16-2019 Thursday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-17-2019 Friday: None

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5-7-2019 through 5-10-2019 SBAC Baby!

P1 Talon: See Ms. Rickard
P5: Anthony Frere See Ms. Rickard

Tuesday and Thursday Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch

Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Happy National Bike To School Day

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17

Advisory: Band aids?

Math Cafe - This Is The Last Week! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday any grade!

Tonight's Homework
Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC!
Turn in any late homework!

Today's Activities
SBAC Performance Task and CAT
Cell phone in Backpacks. Pencils and Reading Book out. Snacks OK.

This Week's Homework
5-6-2019 Monday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-7-2019 Tuesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-8-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-9-2019 Thursday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-10-2019 Friday: None

Monday, May 6, 2019

5-6-2019 Probability of Suits

Sit Where You Want Day!

Tuesday and Thursday Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch

Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch

No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad. 

Happy National Melanoma Day - Wear Sunscreen!
When ultraviolet radiation from the sun reaches the skin, it damages the skin cells and causes mutations in their DNA.  Our bodies have a lot of amazing mechanisms to prevent and even correct these mutations. But if the skin cells get more UV exposure than they can handle, the damage may be beyond repair, and the cells die off. Blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow and bring immune cells to the skin to help clean up the mess.  All this causes the redness, swelling and inflammation we associate with a sunburn.

Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad

Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17

Advisory: Band aids?

Math Cafe - This Is The Last Week! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday any grade!

Tonight's Homework
Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC!
Turn in any late homework!

Today's Activities
1. Brain Dump

2. Check Heads or Tails Results
P5: Do Heads or Tails

3. Probability of  Suits

4. CPM 526 5-77

5. Bingo

Volume & Surface Area

This Week's Homework
5-6-2019 Monday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-7-2019 Tuesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-8-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-9-2019 Thursday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-10-2019 Friday: None

June 6, 2019 Last Day Of School 1:05 Dismissal

Schedule Period 1 / Adv 8:10 – 9:01 Period 2 9:05 – 9:40 Nutrition 9:40 – 9:55 Period 3 9:59 – 10:34 Period 4 10:38 – 11:13 Lunch 11...