Advisory Re-Focus Slides
Room D3 is going to MBHS on Wednesday 22nd for a Unified Sports Soccer event. students who are interested in being good buddies, go to room D3 to get a permission slip.
P1 Talon: See Ms. Rickard
P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard
P6: Emalyn & Ruth See Ms. Rickard
Tuesday and Thursday Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch
Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch
No more phones! Off in backpacks only from now on or they will be given to Mr. Blum. So sad.
Thor's Hammer Time: Three Warnings - Detention with Mr. Blum after school. Sad
P5: Saul See Ms. Rickard
P6: Emalyn & Ruth See Ms. Rickard
Tuesday and Thursday Schedule:
Period 1 for two periods before nutrition
Period 3 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 5 for two periods after lunch
Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
Period 2 for two periods before nutrition
Period 4 for two periods between nutrition and lunch
Period 6 for two periods after lunch
Yearbooks are now available for purchase until May 17
Advisory: Band aids?
Advisory: Band aids?
Tonight's Homework
Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC!
Turn in any late homework!
Turn in any late homework!
This Week's Homework
5-13-2019 Monday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-14-2019 Tuesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-15-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-15-2019 Wednesday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-16-2019 Thursday: Get good sleep and eat a decent breakfast for SBAC! Bring READING BOOK for SBAC
5-17-2019 Friday: None