Homework Check On Monday
P5: Fin left trash. So sad.
Tonight's Homework
Today's Activities
1. Equations Quiz Two Part One IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM
Some people need to finish DCA 2a
Click here to start the test on computer. SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE - CALCULATOR OK. No cellphones.
Some people need to finish DCA 2a
Click here to start the test on computer. SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE - CALCULATOR OK. No cellphones.
P1: Aidan, Ben
P5: Taj, Axel, Noe, Ava (one question)
P6: Cassie, Emalyn, Ruth (one question), Jessica, Daniel
2. Early Finishers: Expressions & Equations in Google Classroom Email Ms. Rickard if you complete any late Khan's that have already been graded. You will get full credit.
3. Continue CPM 624 in eBook
This Week's Homework
3-11-2019 Monday: Interpret two-step equation word problems get 100% AND CPM 623 #82
3-12-2019 Tuesday: CPM 623 #83 to 85
3-13-2019 Wednesday: Two-step equations word problems AND CPM 623 #86
3-13-2019 Wednesday: Two-step equations word problems AND CPM 623 #86
3-14-2019 Thursday: CPM 623 #87 to 89
3-15-2019 Friday: None
Next Week's Homework
3-18-2019 Monday: CPM 623 #90, 91, 92
3-19-2019 Tuesday: CPM 624 #97, 98, 99
3-20-2019 Wednesday: CPM 624 #100, 101, 102
3-20-2019 Wednesday: CPM 624 #100, 101, 102
3-21-2019 Thursday: CPM 625 #104, 105, 106
3-22-2019 Friday: None