1. Cost $20, Markup 60%, Discount 25%, Tax 8%
2a. What is the scale factor for the shapes to the right?
2b. Enlargement or Reduction?
2c. What is the value of x?
Work on Next Level Percents when finished with Warm Up.
ASB will be having a Paw Pat Exchange at lunch tomorrow in the quad. We will be having another Paw Pat Exchange in January. Also... Don't forget we are currently running a food drive until Dec. 19th!!! Bring in any non-perishable food. Have a great day!
Summative Test Percents Moved To Tuesday Dec 18th.
Formative Quiz 3 on Monday December 10th.
These People Need To Take the Formative Quiz 2 on Percents in Google Classroom:
P5: Earl, Lailah, Julian
P6: Jessica
Today's Activities
1. Debrief Formative Quiz 2 on Percents
2. Debrief DCA 1 & 2
3. IF Time: Getting Ready for Percent Summative #1-10
This Week's Homework
12-3-2018 Monday - Make sure these are complete from last week:
1. Khan Interpret Scale Factor In Scale Drawings Get 100%
2. Khan Scale Drawings GET 100% (you may need scratch paper and a calculator for this problem set. Hint: draw your scale on scratch paper so you can see it.)
12-4-2018 Tuesday - Getting Ready for Percent Summative #1-10
12-6-2018 Thursday - HW CPM 412 #16-20 Skip 18 AND CPM 512 #22
12-7-2018 Friday None