- Summative Test on Percents: December 12, 2018
- Summative Retakes After School Next Week. Make an appt with Ms. Rickard to go over Retake Practice.
Tonight's Homework
Make sure these are complete from last week:
1. Khan Interpret Scale Factor In Scale Drawings Get 100%
2. Khan Scale Drawings GET 100% (you may need scratch paper and a calculator for this problem set. Hint: draw your scale on scratch paper so you can see it.)
1. Formative Quiz 2 Percents in GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Next Level Percents
3. If Time: Finish CPM 412 City Centers in Google Classroom
This Week's Homework
12-3-2018 Monday - Make sure these are complete from last week:
1. Khan Interpret Scale Factor In Scale Drawings Get 100%
2. Khan Scale Drawings GET 100% (you may need scratch paper and a calculator for this problem set. Hint: draw your scale on scratch paper so you can see it.)
12-4-2018 Tuesday - HW CPM 412 #16-20 Skip 18
12-5-2018 Wednesday - Check Back
12-6-2018 Thursday - Check Back
12-7-2018 Friday None