
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2-27-2019 Continue 621

Whiteboard WarmUp
Solve for x. Write notes for each step like CLT or Remove BS.
May help to use or draw algebra tiles.
-2x + 4 = x - 11

Expressions Summative Assessment on Monday!

Who do you want to sit with?

Period 5: Takis all over the place. No privileges

Tonight's Homework
CPM 621 #54 & 55 AND Two-step equations with decimals and fractions get 80%

Today's Activities
1. Mini Groups/Expressions & Equations in Google Classroom

2. Continue CPM 621 in eBook
P1: start 49
P4, 5, 6: start 51

This Week's Homework
2-25-2019 Monday: CPM 533 #123-124 AND Two-step equations get 80%
2-26-2019 Tuesday: CPM 533 #125 & 127 Skip 126
2-27-2019 Wednesday: CPM 621 #54 & 55 AND Two-step equations with decimals and fractions get 80%
2-28-2019 Thursday:  CPM 621 #56 & 57
2-29-2019 Friday: None

Homework Help

June 6, 2019 Last Day Of School 1:05 Dismissal

Schedule Period 1 / Adv 8:10 – 9:01 Period 2 9:05 – 9:40 Nutrition 9:40 – 9:55 Period 3 9:59 – 10:34 Period 4 10:38 – 11:13 Lunch 11...