1.) 1/6 divided by 6
2.) 6 divided by 1/6
3.) If Jackson left a 20% tip of $4.50, what was the cost of the meal before tip?
Work on Next Level Percents while Ms. Rickard checks Homework from last week.
Tomorrow: PJ Day
Friday: Puzzler Day
Summative RETAKES Thursday 11-29-2018
Click Here for Retake Practice Problems
Need helpers at lunch to help download Minecraft for Friday.
P1: Crumbs Ciara's Table. Talon's table left the trash I told them to pick up.no privileges today
Homework Check
CPM 125 #103, 105, 106, 107 (skip 104)
CPM 126, #14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Finish Click Battle
Today's Activities
1. Next Level Percents
2. Go over Marcellus
3. Click Battle Unit Rate in Desmos
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
4. CPM 411 in Desmos
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
5. Next Level Percents
This Week's Homework
11-12-2018 Monday - None Holiday
11-13-2018 Tuesday - Finish Marcellus
11-14-2018 Wednesday - Finish Click Battle
11-15-2018 Thursday - CPM 411 #6 through 10
11-16-2018 Friday None