Whiteboard Warm Up
Rewrite the subtraction expressions below as addition problems and evaluate.
7 - 9
-7 - 9
Tonight's Homework Schedule Change
Today's Activity
1. Rickard Notes: Dividing Negative Numbers
2. Khan Dividing Negative Numbers 80%
3. 224 Part 2 in Desmos - Order Of Operations
Period 1
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
4. Continue your work on Khan Academy Practice
This Week's Homework - Schedule Change
9-3-2018 Monday: NONE - Holiday!
9-5-2018 Wednesday: Finish Khan Dividing Negative Numbers get 80%.
9-6-2018 Thursday: CPM 323 #60, Continue your work on Khan Academy Practice
9-7-2018 Friday: Optional Continue your work on Khan Academy Practice Due on Monday 9-10-2018
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