P4: No privileges. Crumbs left yesterday in two places. So sad.
Whiteboard WarmUp
3 + 4[-5 - (- 7)] - 6
Convert to decimal
Convert to decimal
Work on Next Level Integers while waiting for others to finish Warm Up
Cell Phone Use Contract - Click Here
CPM 211 #8 & 9, 13, 17
Today's Activities
1. Next Level Integers/MINI GROUPS
2. Go over CPM 211 in Google Classroom - Patterns?
3. Rickard Notes: The hidden -1 as in 3 - (-2)
4. CPM 212 in Desmos 2:1
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
2. Go over CPM 211 in Google Classroom - Patterns?
3. Rickard Notes: The hidden -1 as in 3 - (-2)
4. CPM 212 in Desmos 2:1
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
5. Khan Fraction Practice with Paper Tracking Doc
This Week's Homework
9-17-2018 Monday: Finish CPM 333 in Desmos: Find out where you were/slide number and finish it solo at home. RLGL Answer Key Click Here
9-18-2018 Tuesday: Khan: Converting fractions to decimals
9-19-2018 Wednesday: CPM 211 #8 & 9, 13, 17
9-20-2018 Thursday: CPM 211 #16, CPM 212 #26 & 27
9-21-2018 Friday: NONE
Homework Help