STUDENTS: please find a seat in any chair with a computer. No moving chairs please.
Please go to my BLOG at RICKARDMATH2018-2019.BLOGSPOT.COM and bookmark it!
Today's Activity
1. Computer Log In/Bookmark websites
3. How to email Ms. Rickard
4. Take out your math notebook or a piece of paper. Write on inside cover.
5. Go over syllabus, Rickard website & Blog
Tonight's Homework
1. Show guardian the syllabus. Bring back SIGNED syllabus tomorrow.
This Week's Homework
8-20-2018 Monday: Show guardian Desmos, get guardian to sign syllabus, & get supplies.
8-21-2018 Tuesday: CPM 221 Problems 37, 38, 39
8-22-2018 Wednesday: CPM 221 Problem 40
8-23-2018 Thursday: CPM 222 Problems 51, 52, 53
8-24-2018 Friday: None
Homework Help